The West Haven Blue Devils played their first game of the 2021 season last night against long time rival Hamden Dragons. The Devils were under new management goal tender wise as Charlie Miller was named Starting Goalie over this offseason. Miller opened up the season against one of the toughest teams in Connecticut high school hockey, and he played to his best, allowing West Haven to win in a 5-2 blowout. With the win West Haven has won back to back season openers, a very tough feat to accomplish.
The goals just kept coming and coming, it was like watching the Opera Show," YOU GET A GOAL, YOU GET A GOAL, YOU GET A GOAL."
The top goal scorer on the night was Nick Boanno who scored 2 out of the 5 goals. We also saw both of the Carfora's score as DJ and Ben both put up 1 goal apiece. Mike Alfano also got the puck into the net has he was the other scorer.
With the win West Haven will go 1-0-0 as the momentum is there. They are set up to play their next game on the 10th
The New York Sports Show Player of The Game will go to goalie Charlie Miller
